
Meaningful Ideas for Meaningful Progress.

On Becoming an Invincible Human Being

On Becoming an Invincible Human Being

Thousands of years ago, the Stoics came up with one of the single most important thoughts any person could practice. The ability to differentiate between what we can change and control and what extends past our range of change and control.  Your flight just got cancelled? No amount of yelling at some airline representative is going to change the power of the weather.  Just lost an...

You Can Make Your Life Better

You might be sitting somewhere, alone, in the company of friends, or your loved ones, thinking something along the lines of this: could life really be better right now amid the virus and during quarantine? I’m here to tell you that you’re on the right track to attaining and maintaining mental tranquility and peace of mind.  The real question you have to ask yourself is this—“what am I going...